Umakhi oholayo we-HPMC esezingeni eliphakeme ye-HPMC yokubumba udaka hydroxypropyllyllypropylylylylylylyllopyllyllopyllyllopypropylylylylyll methyl cellulose 200000 I-Viscosity
Kungaba umsebenzi wethu ukwanelisa okuthandayo futhi ukukusebenzela ngempumelelo. Intokozo yakho umvuzo wethu omuhle kakhulu. We have been looking forward to the go to for joint expansion for Leading Manufacturer for High Quality HPMC for Constrcution Mortar Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose 200000 Viscosity, Our main objectives are to offer our prospects around the globe with good quality, competitive price, happy delivery and superb imikhiqizo nezinsizakalo.
Kungaba umsebenzi wethu ukwanelisa okuthandayo futhi ukukusebenzela ngempumelelo. Intokozo yakho umvuzo wethu omuhle kakhulu. Besilindele phambili ekuhambeni kokuhlangene kweI-China HPMC neHydroxypropylyly methyl cellulose, Ithembekile kubo bonke amakhasimende aceliwe ethu! I-Okokuqala i-Class isebenza, ikhwalithi enhle kakhulu, intengo enhle kakhulu futhi usuku lokulethwa okusheshayo luyinzuzo yethu! Nikeza wonke amakhasimende ukuthi lisebenze kahle yi-tenet yethu! Lokhu kwenza inkampani yethu ithole ukuthandwa kwamakhasimende nokusekelwa! Uyemukela wonke amakhasimende emhlabeni sisithumela uphenyo futhi sibheke ukuhlanganyela kwakho okuhle! Sicela uphenyo lwakho ukuthola eminye imininingwane noma isicelo sokuthengisa ezifundeni ezikhethiwe.
Ukuchazwa Komkhiqizo
I-Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC)
Ifomula yamangqamuzana
IHypromellose (Hydroxypropylmeylcelcellose: HPMC) Uhlobo lokufakwa esikhundleni 2910, 2906, 2208 (USP)
Izakhiwo Ezibonakalayo
- I-powder emhlophe emhlophe noma ephuzi
- incibilika ku-organic organic noma i-solvent engamakhilomitha
- Ukwenza ifilimu esobala lapho i-solvent isusa
- Akukho ukusabela kwamakhemikhali ngesidakamizwa ngenxa yempahla yaso engeyona eye-ionic
- Isisindo Molecular: 10,000 ~ 1,000,000
- Iphuzu le-Gel: 40 ~ 90 ℃
- Iphuzu Lokulahla Okuzenzakalelayo: 360 ℃
I-Hydroxypropyllth methylcellulose (HPMPC) ibanga lemithi yi-hypromellose motormaceutical exepipieint nesengezo, esingasetshenziswa njenge-ejenti enkulu, ehlakazekile, i-eMulsifier kanye ne-ejenti eyakha ifilimu.
QualiCell Cellulose ether consists of methyl cellulose (USP, EP,BP,CP) and three substitution types of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (hypromellose USP, EP,BP,CP) each available in several grades differing in viscosity.HPMC products are derived from natural refined I-Cotton LIRTER ne-Wood Pulp, ukubhekana nazo zonke izidingo ze-USP, EP, BP, kanye nezitifiketi zeKosher neHalal.
Enqubweni yokukhiqiza, ukotini wemvelo ohlanjululwe kakhulu unama-methyl chloride noma ngenhlanganisela ye-methyl chloride ne-propelene oxide ukwakha i-ether-celluble ye-cellulose yamanzi, engeyona eye-cellulose. Azikho izinsizakusebenza zezilwane ezisetshenziselwa ukukhiqizwa kwe-HPMC.HPMC zingasetshenziswa njenge-binder yezinhlobo zamagama aqinile afana namathebulethi kanye nama-granule. Ibuye ibe nemisebenzi ehlukahlukene, izibonelo, ekuthuthukiseni ukugcinwa kwamanzi, ukuqina, ukwenza njenge-colloid evikelayo ngenxa yomsebenzi wayo ongaphezulu, ukusekela ukukhishwa, kanye nokwakheka kwefilimu.
I-Qualicall HPMC ihlinzeka ngemisebenzi ehlukahlukene efana nokugcinwa kwamanzi, okuvikela i-colloid, umsebenzi ongaphezulu, ukukhishwa okuqhubekayo. Kuyinto engahambisani ne-noon-iontic compact ukumelana nokuzinza ngaphezu kobubanzi be-PH-PH. Izicelo ezijwayelekile ze-HPMC ziyi-binder for izinhlobo eziqinile zama-dosage afana namathebulethi kanye nama-granule noma ama-persener wezicelo eziwuketshezi.
I-Pharma HPMC iza ngokusobala okuhlukahlukene isukela ku-CPS emi-3 kuya ku-200,000, futhi ingasetshenziswa kabanzi nge-tablet coating, i-gransation, i-binder, ubukhulu, i-stabilizer nokwenza ikhefu le-hpmc yemifino.
Ukucaciswa kwamakhemikhali
I-Hypromellose Ukucacisa | 60e (2910) | I-65F (2906) | 75k (2208) |
Ukushisa kwe-Gel (℃) | I-58-64 | 62-68 | 70-90 |
I-Methoxy (WT%) | 28.0-30.0 | 27.0-30.0 | 19.0-24.0 |
I-Hydroxypropoxy (WT%) | 7.0-12.0 | 4.0-7.5 | 4.0-12.0 |
I-Viscosity (CPS, 2% khambiso) | 3, 5, 6, 15, 50, 100, 100, 400,4000, 10000, 40000, 60000,100000,1500000000000 |
Ibanga lomkhiqizo
I-Hypromellose Ukucacisa | 60e (2910) | I-65F (2906) | 75k (2208) |
Ukushisa kwe-Gel (℃) | I-58-64 | 62-68 | 70-90 |
I-Methoxy (WT%) | 28.0-30.0 | 27.0-30.0 | 19.0-24.0 |
I-Hydroxypropoxy (WT%) | 7.0-12.0 | 4.0-7.5 | 4.0-12.0 |
I-Viscosity (CPS, 2% khambiso) | 3, 5, 6, 15, 50, 100, 100, 400,4000, 10000, 40000, 60000,100000,1500000000000 |
I-Pharma Ibanga HPMC inika amandla ukukhiqizwa kwezindlela zokukhishwa ezilawulwayo ngokulula kwendlela esetshenziswa ngethebhulethi esetshenziswa kakhulu. Ibanga le-Pharma linikeza ukugeleza okuhle kwe-powder, ukufana kokuqukethwe, nokuxazulula, kubenze bakulungele kahle ukucindezelwa okuqondile.
I-Pharma Excipients application | Pharma Ibanga HPMC | Isilinganiso somuthi |
Inqwaba ye-laxative | 75k4000,75k100000 | 3-30% |
Okhilimu, ama-gels | 60e4000,75k4000 | 1-5% |
Ukulungiselela kwe-Ophthalmic | 60e4000 | 01. - 0.5% |
Iso lehla amalungiselelo | 60e4000 | 0.1-0.5% |
Umenzeli osamile | 60e4000, 75k4000 | I-1-2% |
Ama-antacid | 60e4000, 75k4000 | I-1-2% |
Amathebhulethi | 60e5, 60e15 | 0.5-5% |
Umhlangano wamanzi we-Convention | 60e5, 60e15 | 2-6% |
Imbobo yethebhulethi | 60e5, 60e15 | 0.5-5% |
I-Matrix elawulwayo yokukhishwa | 75k100000,75k15000 | I-20-55% |
Izici nezinzuzo
- Kuthuthukisa Izici Zokugeleza Komkhiqizo
- Yehlisa izikhathi zokucubungula
- Amaphrofayili afanayo, aqinile wokuqothula
- Ithuthukisa ukufana kokuqukethwe
- Yehlisa izindleko zokukhiqiza
- Igcina amandla ashubile ngemuva kwenqubo ephindwe kabili (i-roller compaction)
Ukupakisha okujwayelekile kuyi-25kg / Drum
I-20'fcl: 9 ton ene-palletized; Ithoni elingu-10 elingafakwanga.
40'fCl: 18 Ton nge-palletized; Ithoni engama-20 ingaba umsebenzi wethu ukwanelisa okuthandayo futhi ikunikeze ngempumelelo. Intokozo yakho umvuzo wethu omuhle kakhulu. We have been looking forward to the go to for joint expansion for Leading Manufacturer for High Quality HPMC for Constrcution Mortar Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose 200000 Viscosity, Our main objectives are to offer our prospects around the globe with good quality, competitive price, happy delivery and superb imikhiqizo nezinsizakalo.
Umakhi oholayo weI-China HPMC neHydroxypropylyly methyl cellulose, Ithembekile kubo bonke amakhasimende aceliwe ethu! I-Okokuqala i-Class isebenza, ikhwalithi enhle kakhulu, intengo enhle kakhulu futhi usuku lokulethwa okusheshayo luyinzuzo yethu! Nikeza wonke amakhasimende ukuthi lisebenze kahle yi-tenet yethu! Lokhu kwenza inkampani yethu ithole ukuthandwa kwamakhasimende nokusekelwa! Uyemukela wonke amakhasimende emhlabeni sisithumela uphenyo futhi sibheke ukuhlanganyela kwakho okuhle! Sicela uphenyo lwakho ukuthola eminye imininingwane noma isicelo sokuthengisa ezifundeni ezikhethiwe.