I-Hydroxypropyllylylylylylyllll pullulose HPMC iyinhlangano engeyona eye-cellulose ye-ether ku-ether ger gerboxylyllylsylyllyllylsylylsylyllylsylyl motorboxesyllyl motolboseylsyllylsyllylsylylylylylsylyllylsylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylsylylsylyl motorboxyyl turboxesyllyllylsylyl motorboxesyllyl turmesyl cellulose, I-Axygen Enye imisebe ye-hydroxypropyllylyllylylylylylylylylylylylyllopyllose okuqukethwe okuhlukile kokuqukethwe kwe-hydroxypropyl kanye nokuqukethwe okuhlukile kokusebenza kwe-hydroxypropp, ukusebenza kwawo kusondele ku-methdylsprose izinhlobo kanye ne-methoxyl ephansi Okuqukethwe nokuqukethwe okuphezulu kwezinhlobonhlobo ze-hydroxypropyl, futhi ukusebenza kusondele ku-hydroxypropyllylylylylylylyl pullulose kukhiqizwa. Kepha ezinhlotsheni ngalunye, yize kuqukethe kuphela inani elincane le-hydroxypropyl noma inani elincane le-methoxy, i-solubility kuma-organic solvents noma lokushisa lokufakelwa esikhaleni esinamanzi, kunomehluko omkhulu.
I-1, i-hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose solubelility
Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose in water solubility of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose is actually a kind of propylene oxide (methyl oxypropyl ring) modified methyl cellulose, so it still has similar with methyl cellulose cold water soluble and hot water insoluble characteristics. Kodwa-ke, izinga lokushisa le-gelation le-hydroxy propdy eliguquliwe liphakeme kakhulu kunalelo ye-methyl cellulose emanzini ashisayo. Isibonelo, ukubonwa kwe-hydroxyproppropylyllose methyllellose aquolulose isixazululo esinamanzi ama-2% ama-DS = 0.73 kanye ne-hydroxypropyllll oqukethwe ku-MS = 0.46 ngu-500 MPA ngo-20 ℃. Ukushisa kwe-GEL lokushisa komkhiqizo we-S kusondele ku-100 ℃, kuyilapho le methyl cellulose yamazinga okushisa afanayo inge-55 ℃ kuphela. Ngokuqondene ne-solubenity yayo emanzini, futhi kwathuthuka kakhulu, ngokwesibonelo, ngemuva kokuchotshozwa kwe-hydroxypropyllose (ukwakheka okusanhlamvu okungu-0.2 .
. I-DS = 0.2 ~ 1.0, i-Viscosity ephezulu i-hydroxyproppropylll methylslopyllylylylyl methyl pullulose ene-degree yokufakwa okuphelele ngenhla kwe-1.8 incane in anhydrous methanol kanye ne-ethanol solutions, futhi ine-solubility ye-thermoplastic, futhi ine-solubility ye-thermoplastic. Kuyancibilika futhi kuma-hydrocarbons ahlanganisiwe anjenge-dichlorethane ne-trichloromethane, kanye nezinto eziphilayo ezifana ne-acetone, i-soplopyl alcohol, kanye notshwala. I-solubenity yayo kuma-organic solvents iphakeme kune-solubity yamanzi.
I-2, i-hydroxypropyll methyl cellulose viscosity yezici ezinomthelela
I-Hydroxypropylylylyl methylcellulose viscosiousisiouse factors hydroxypropyll methylcellose methylcellose methylcellose standard standard deviscullulose standard deviscullulose standard deviscullulose standard deviscultulose standard deviscultulose deviscungusite inquma, at are 20 et khambisi lemakhelwane. I-viscosity yomkhiqizo ofanayo, ngokwanda kokuhlushwa futhi kwandiswe, ukunqotshwa okufanayo kwemikhiqizo ehlukahlukene yesisindo molecular, isisindo se-moleemale somkhiqizo kungukuvunywa okuphezulu. Ubudlelwano bawo ngokushisa buyafana nalokho kwe-methyl cellulose. Lapho izinga lokushisa likhuphuka, ukubonakala kuqala ukwehla, kepha uma kufinyelela emazingeni okushisa athile, ukubonwa kungazelelwe kukhuphuke futhi kwenzeka. Ukushisa kwe-gelation kwemikhiqizo enokubonakala okuphansi kuphakeme kunaleyo yemikhiqizo enokubonakala okuphezulu. Izinga le-gel point yalo, ngaphezu kokubonakala okuphezulu nokuphansi kwe-ether, kodwa futhi nange-ether herpoxy kanye ne-hydroxypropyl group isilinganiso sokuqanjwa kweqembu kanye nezinga eliphelele lokufakwa esikhundleni kuhlobene. Kumele kwaziwe ukuthi i-Hydroxypropyllylylylylys methylcellulose nayo i-pseudoplastic; Isixazululo saso sizinzile lapho zigcinwa emazingeni okushisa asekamelweni futhi akukhombisi ukucekelwa phansi kokubonakala ngaphandle kokuthi kungenzeka ukuwohloka kwe-enzymatic.
I-3, i-hydroxypropylm methyl cellulose acid kanye ne-alkaline ukumelana
I-Hydroxypropyll methylcellulose alkali hydroxyprose acid kanye ne-alkali, ngokuvamile izinzile, ku-pH PH2 ~ 12 uhla lwe-acid, lungamelana ne-citric acid, i-acetic acid, phosphoric I-acid, boric acid, njll. Kepha i-acid ehlanganisiwe inomphumela wokunciphisa i-viscosity. I-Alkali efana ne-caustic soda, i-catustic potassium kanye namanzi e-lime ayinawo umphumela kuwo, kepha umphumela wokukhuphula kancane ukubonwa kwesixazululo kuzokwehla kancane ngokuzayo ngokuzayo.
I-4, i-hydroxypropyllylylyl methyl cellulose ingahlanganiswa
I-Hydroxypropyllylylylylylyllllllluolution ingahlanganiswa namakhompiyutha e-polymer ancibilikisiwe, futhi abe yisixazululo esibonakalayo esibonakalayo esiphakeme. Lezi zinhlaka eziphakeme zamangqamuzana ziyi-polyethylene Glycol, i-polyvinyl acetate, polysilicone, polymethyl vinyl siloxane ne-hydroxyethyl tulloxane ne-hydroxyethyl cellulose kanye ne-hydroxyyethyl cellulose kanye ne-methdylslels compailses, njll. I-polymer compleves, njll. I-polymer tulmerose kanye ne-ameva gum, i-ameva yesihlahla se-gem ngakho-ke inengxube enhle nayo Isixazululo. Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose can also be mixed with stearic acid or palmitic acid mannitol ester or sorbitol ester, but also with glycerol, sorbitol and mannitol, these compounds can be used as hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose plasticizer.
I-5, i-hydroxypropylylylylylylylykl methyl cellulose amanzi ancibilikayo
I-Hydroxypropyllylyl methyllulose i-ether infoluble Water-solulile cellulose infelseli, ingaba yi-surving cross-exhumanisa nama-aldehydes, futhi yenze la manzi ancibilikiswe ngokushesha ngesisombululo, abe insoluble emanzini. Futhi wenze i-hydroxypropylll methylcellose infehylde, i-formaldehyde, i-glycalde, i-succinalde, njll. -I-ejenti evumayo. Umthamo walolu hlobo lwe-ejenti yokuwela ngesixazululo ngu-0.2% ~ 10% we-Ether Mass, okungcono kakhulu ngu-7% ~ 10%, njengokusetshenziswa kwe-Glyoxal nge-3.3% ~ 6% okulungele kakhulu. I-General Treatment Temperatite ingu-0 ~ 30 ℃, isikhathi singu-1 ~ 120min. Ukusabela okuxhumanisa ngokuwela kudinga ukwenziwa ngaphansi kwezimo ze-acidic. Ngokuvamile, i-inorganic enamandla ye-acid noma i-organic carboxylic acid ingezwe kwikhambi ukuguqula i-PH yesisombululo esingaba ngu-2 ~ 6, mhlawumbe phakathi kuka-4 ~ 6, bese kuthi ama-Aldehydes angezwa ukusabela okuxhumanisayo. Ama-acid asetshenziswa i-hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, i-acetic acid acid, i-acectoxy acetic acid, phakathi kwawo okulungile, ngenkathi i-acid acid ehamba phambili, ngenkathi i-formic acid ihamba phambili. Ama-acid nama-aldehydes nawo angangezwa ngasikhathi sinye ukuvumela isixazululo ukuthi sixhumene nebanga elifunekayo le-PH. Lokhu kusabela kuvame ukusetshenziselwa inqubo yokugcina yenqubo yokulungiselela i-cellulose ether, ukuze kusetshenziswe i-cellulose ether, kulula ukuyisebenzisa ama-20 ~ 25 ℃ amanzi okugeza nawokuhlanza. Lapho kusetshenziswa umkhiqizo, izinto ze-alkaline zingangezwa kwikhambi lomkhiqizo ukuze zilungise i-PH yesisombululo ukuba yi-alkaline, futhi umkhiqizo uchithwa ngokushesha kwikhambi. Le ndlela nayo ingasetjenziswa lapho isixazululo se-cellulose ether sisetshenziselwa ukwenza ifilimu bese ifilimu iphathwa ukuze enze ifilimu elingaphansi kwe-insoluble.
6, Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose anti-enzyme
I-Hydroxypropylylylylylylylyl methyllule enzyme ukumelana ne-cellulose derivativeveves emcabangweni, okuqanjwa ngama-microorganisms atholakala kalula ekuthelelekeni, kepha empeleni umkhiqizo ophelile wokubuyisela inani elingaphezu kwe-1, Futhi ngokonakaliswa kwe-enzyme, lokhu kuyincazelo yeqembu ngalinye esilinganisweni se-cellulose chain surtitution akayona umfaniswano, ama-microorganisms angavutha amaqembu ama-glucose angenamikhawulo awo akha ama-microorganisms ukuze athole ama-microorganisms njengokudla. Ngakho-ke, uma izinga lokufaka esikhundleni se-Etherfication Supliose senyuka, ukumelana kwe-cellulose ether kuya ekuguguleka kwe-enzymatic kuzothuthukiswa. Kubikwa ukuthi ngaphansi kwezimo ezilawulwayo, ukubonakala okusalelayo kwe-hydroxypropyllylylylylylylylylylylyll methyl cellulose (DS = 1.9), i-methyl cellulose (DS = 1.66), ne-hydroxyethyl cellulose (i-hydroxyethyl cellulose (1.7%) ibingu-13.2% , 3.8%, kanye ne-1.7%, ngokulandelana. I-Hydroxypropyllylylylylylyllllulose inekhono elinamandla le-enzyme. Ngakho-ke i-hydroxypropyll methyllellose enhle anti-enzyme enhle, ehlanganiswe nokuhlakazwa kwayo okuhle, ukuqina kanye nokwakheka kwefilimu, okusetshenziselwa ukumboza ama-emulsion, njll., Ngokuvamile akudingi ukwengeza ukulondolozwa. Kodwa-ke, ukuze uvikele ukugcinwa isikhathi eside kwesisombululo noma ukungcoliswa okungenzeka kusuka ezweni langaphandle, kungangezwakala, ukukhethwa kwawo kunganqunywa ngokuya ngezidingo zokugcina zekhambi. I-PhenylMercuric Acetate kanye ne-manganese reasilicate yizindlela ezisebenzayo zokugcina, kepha zinobuthi futhi kufanele zisebenze ngokucophelela. Ngokuvamile, 1 ~ 5mg phenylmercuric acetate ingangezwa kulitha ngalinye lesisombululo.
7, HYDROXYPROPPROPYL STYL Cellulose Performance
I-Hydroxypropyllylyl methyllulose ukusebenza kwe-hydroxypropylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylyllylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylyllylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylyllylylylylylylylylylylylylyllylylm methyl celtule Inokumelana kahle nomswakama futhi ihlala iqinile emazingeni okushisa aphezulu. Okufana nokungezwa kwenqubo ye-hygroscopic, kungathuthukisa ukugcwala kwayo nokuvumelana nezimo, ukuthuthukisa ukuguquguquka, i-glycerol ne-sorbizel kanye nenye ipulasitiki kulungele kakhulu. Ukuhlushwa okujwayelekile kwesixazululo kungu-2% ~ 3%, umthamo weplastishi u-10% ~ 20% we-cellulose ether. Uma okuqukethwe kwepulasitiki kuqhutshwa, into e-shrinkage ye-colloid dehydration ingenzeka kumswakama ophezulu. Amandla axegayo wefilimu angezelwe kakhulu kunokwengeziwe kwalapho angezwanga, futhi anwebe ngokwanda kwenani elingezwe, njengoba kwehla ngenhlamvu yefilimu nakho kukhuphuke ngokwanda kwenani lesendi.
Isikhathi sePosi: Sep-08-2022